Blog of Berg (Neil)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Job and Cinci stuff

I really like the new job. It is hard to believe that it is real. The people are fun and extremely creative. We all were issued iPhones (my first Apple product since the is really great in some ways and somewhat annoying in others). There is no bureaucracy--if something needs done then we just do it. It is really refreshing to see such pragmaticism. I am staying with the Galloways, though I spend little time there because I am investing all of my time into getting a 3BR rental for us to get into in about a month. I do love having their hospitality and, well, it is fun to be around a new place (though this does not get close to the hole that is in me from being away from Anne and the boys--oh, those weekends are wonderful).

Here is our house listing on MLS. Please buy it immediately. We had a "hey neighbor who is having an open house, can we piggyback on your open house" kind of open house yesterday--lots of fun cleaning and preparing, but it was a lousy snowy day and we were not advertised--neither of us saw traffic. I hope our house should do fairly well given that it is truly nice now and priced well below similar houses. Of course, you can only prepare and hope that the right buyer comes through.

We are looking very carefully at 3 BR rentals in Mariemont and Madeira (and thinking about Milford too). These are all communities to the NW of Cincinnati proper and about 15 minutes or so from the workplace in downtown Montgomery. I tried to give Montgomery a consideration, but it is just too darn expensive and has few community services to show for it. I really cannot see why anyone would want to live there given the fact that is seems to have no redeeming qualities besides (for me) being close to work. We are renting because 1) we want to know the area a bit better than we do now before buying anything 2) we really want to be close to downtown areas and 3) we want to lay low on responsibilities for a while and play as a family.

Overall, things are really going well. I am happy and enjoying the adventure. I really want the family to be here too though. It is tough to be away from them for so long.

At least the new car is running well. I sold the red 1990 Civic Si. I didn't think I would be autocrossing anymore due to lack of time and too many other interests. Besides, it is hard enough to move without thinking about a third car. The coolest thing is that it went to an autocrosser guy who will love it and was hoping for exactly that car in every way. He just happened to come over for an unrelated car part that I was selling on Craigslist and ended up getting a whole car a few days later. He was definitely "the right buyer." Now to find "the right buyer" for our Perrysburg house so we can get on with our lives down here.