Blog of Berg (Neil)

Sunday, April 09, 2006

I live for this smile.

The past week has been pretty good. Anne had a good conference and has come back with a lot of good ideas. Joel is doing really well. He has reached the milestone of grabbing for things and sticking them in his mouth. He actually pet a soft toy yesterday. If you don't have a kid, then you may not recognize how cool this is. It really makes a difference in how he is able to understand and interact with the world. When we look around the yard, he is able to touch things and not just have me point them at him. We also got him some leapfrog "infant learning system." It looks somewhat interesting, but much better than the other things that companies put out as baby toys.

I have been feeling a desire to work out a big more. I am scared a bit by the fact that I can now sit in an office chair for 8 hours with a 1.25 hour drive on either side of that and not feel like I am wasting away. Maybe I have already wasted away. I finally got the chin-up bar up yesterday (on the staircase to the basement).

On the other side, we cooked like crazy yesterday (ok, mainly Anne did). We are doing this so we don't have to worry about where we are going to get food from...the answer is the freezer.

After seeing Casey, Randy, and Sal, Anne and I went over to Sal's and watched Junebug. I am still digesting it. We had a great time discussing what it was all about. I stick by my idea of it being about people who are at various stages of creating identities for them selves...dealing with how they are (according to one character) "not like that on the inside." Anyways, it was a good watch and it had some of the best snappy stupid dialogue I have seen in any movie.


  • D00d, is that your grandma? Say hi to her for me, she was always so kewl when we were kids. Speaking of kids, don't they absolutely rule? Have you had a day bad enough that you could come home, and not instalty melt it all away with one look at your kid? More than that, looking back on pre-kid days, doesn't it feel like the happiest you were than is nothing compared to now?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/10/2006 9:06 PM  

  • D00d, yes it is. I will tell her you said hello. She is still as nice as ever.
    Yeah, I do like Joel quite a bit. At first, the inconveniences were a bit overwhelming, but that melting feeling sure has smoothed over everything and now I find myself occasionally "showing the desktop" at work just so I can see him. Yup, life as a mammal is cool. We are really happy.

    By Blogger Neil, at 4/16/2006 12:18 PM  

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