Blog of Berg (Neil)

Thursday, June 22, 2006

When it rains...

So many good pictures of the, that was fun.

We had storms last night...we moved about 110 gallons of water from the basement. Luckily, it is all on one wall and it should be really easy to fix due to the pinpointed nature of it. I could hear it coming down the wall on that spot. Several times a crack in the wall was spicketing horizontal water out of it and onto the floor. The place is really messy now. Yuck.

The double-yuck is Zoar. Did you realize that if you work for a non-profit that your employeer does NOT have to pay into unemployment? There is no safety net for you at all. Zoar council is making things difficult. I am not sure why either. They are doing well financially, have just lost or are losing almost half their staff, and they don't HAVE to do this.
Zoar council even went as far as to tell us "you know that health insurance that we were going to continue for your family until the end of next month...we will take it away in 9 days instead." We had to have a sit down meeting about why leaving the family in a state where we were uninsured was unacceptable. They did extend insurance for a month, but apparently you have to fight for everything when it comes to Zoar commitees.
Even though severance is the ONLY form of unemployment we can get, they absolutely will not offer severance for over a month (BTW, this is shorter than my corporate job would have paid, and corporate jobs offer unemployment on top of that) so we are not sure what we are going to do about sure isn't pretty. I am extremely disappointed that a place that we thought showed love and friendship elects officials who refuse (after many requests) to take care of its own church family. Because this area of employment is not regulated, the council can technically make up whatever they want to, but it surprises me at how they allow themselves to be driven by money to the point of creating a situation that is unreasonable and unjust. I guess this sort of thing happens all of the time--especially at traditional churches. I thought Zoar was bigger and more loving that that, but I guess they value money like most institutions. I keep going back to the fact that they hardly even seem to care about the stability of our family needs, yet they (we, at the time) elected themselves as place that values family.

Then I think "we aren't the first to have this happen." Our Church is built upon the teachings of a rabbi whose Jewish church rejected him. They did so for money, politics, and jealousy. Neither the church nor the Roman government offered a safety net (to put it lightly).

Our lives will go on and our ministries will go on too. We will just have to seek a place that is honest and that has integrity. I think Anne and I will be attending council at any church before we think of getting serious with them. Foundations are important.

Likewise, we will be getting a triple-inspection of the basement walls if we ever move into a new house (no plans yet to do so though).


  • so sorry Zoar is being so cruddy to you guys.

    I hope you get the water cleared out soon!

    Great pic of Casey and Jannelle.

    By Blogger E-Speed, at 6/22/2006 2:05 PM  

  • Neil, Anne and Berglett,
    Oh the stories that Terri and I could tell about Church Politics....remember my CRHP Witnesses.... Just do NOT let this shake the Solid Rock Foundation of your faith....GREAT PICTURES!!!!

    We Love you !!!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6/30/2006 10:20 PM  

  • Hi Guys,

    Sorry to hear about the Zoar stuff. As long as you're checking out churches, it would be great to have you come by Grace 9:45 service some Sunday. We'd definately like to see the baby!

    Trevor Van Berkom

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7/11/2006 10:19 PM  

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