Blog of Berg (Neil)

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Too-close picture--(taken when we were exhausted after getting back from MX). It has been too long since the last is some random stuff that has been going on.

We decided against the house that had the pool. It was actually the gas bill that made our eyes bug out. We figured that the extra $80 a month (budget plan, even) that we would pay in gas would be better spent on a higher mortgage for a better house. That, and we don't want to fiddle with a pool. The search goes on.

I went with Sal to a concert on Friday. It was Indian sitar and tabla for the first half and jazz with sitar and tabla for the second half. Man, that tabla player was awesome.

Anne and I went to the "Blue Pacific" place today (anniversary gift from my parents). It was mongolian barbeque almost exactly, only with fewer flavorings. It was pretty good (I went up for fourths)...a bit pricey, but good.

I am up late finishing the diss enough to send to my advisor. I think it is good. I was on a roll of deep concentration tonight, something which I miss. I think it has to do with all the noise and distractions at work. Cubicles do not make for deep concentration. That said, work is ok. Nothing exciting going on there with me yet.


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