Blog of Berg (Neil)

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Lots happening: I have been trying to tie up loose ends with stuff that needs to be done around the house. Ryan B. and I (anyone else want to help?) will be roofing the enclosed porch next week. I just mowed and created an extension in the yard to the natural channel we have for water...I took down (removed soil from) the center of the hill in one spot to connect the low part of our yard near the house to the low part of that channel. I hope it works because it looks "canal-like." Our cellphones keep being flaky, so we finally bought a new phone (an SDA) on ebay (t-mobile's offers are horrible considering that they lock you in for 2 years--t-mobile is nowhere near as over-the-top about customer service and giving breaks as they used to be). We are also getting the basement done (steel beams to reinforce the walls before there are any major issues (it is cheap insurance, considering the stories I have heard about other basements in this neighborhood) and a drain tile extension to take care of a minor amount of dampness before enclosing a wall).

After all of that, I am also planning on putting glass block windows into the basement to replace the rusted out original casement windows that are leaky and all-around lousy. There is near-house soil grading to do too. Man, it makes me wish we were renting. I am moving on the dissertation too.

Work was almost nice today. People were asking real questions and we were very productive. The team at Maritz also picked up on an idea I threw out and they are wanting me to work on it to deliver it to the client. It ain't much, but anything that makes my work there seem noticed or worthwhile goes a long way.

I did the "ATF trick" to clean the engine this weekend. I was blowing smoke--James Bond style--for about 20 minues in the garage and then about 100 miles beyond that. It was crazy and really annoying to those driving behind me. I guess that is why it is important to not have oily stuff in your exhaust manifold. Speaking of Civic fun, today is Casey's bday--I hope it was a good one, eh!


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