Blog of Berg (Neil)

Sunday, June 17, 2007


Cory is a friend from the undergrad/beginning of grad school days. He is a really kooky guy who has been traveling around the world between working a comic book editor. Anne, Randy, Joel and I went to visit him in one of his (far too) rare appearances in Ohio.

Cory eats children...and it makes them grumpy to be eaten.

Cory's folks always put on a great cookout. They have a fantastic house in Woodville. Joel played with the dogs.
He also played with the swingset. I only took video of him on the trampoline--he freaked out with how much fun the trampoline was. He could not stop laughing when I went on it with him and we jumped together . It rocked.

Joel has been a lot of fun lately. He laughs and jokes a lot (all physical humor, of course). I really like it when he decides to hug, kiss, or blow raspberries. He is quite affectionate at times...and it is wonderful. Father's day has been great. We had my whole family (including Joel's great-Grandma) and Gerry over for good Belleville grilled beef.

Anne and Joel got me a sweet hammock. Now to finish laying these paver stones in the backyard so I can build and put in the arbor (by the way, Google Sketchup is awesome--I made a fast and decent plan in no time), so I can hook the hammock onto it and the one other post (that I still have to put in too). In the midst of all of this, I am still fighting for time for sleep and dissertation. It is all good though. Life is pretty fun and I am happy to be here.

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